The Meaning of In Toto and Its Use in English


Toto is an American rock band formed in 1977. The lineup includes members Steve Lukather, David Paich, Joseph Williams, John Pierce, Robert “Sput” Searight, Dominique “Xavier” Taplin, and Warren Ham. They are a staple of progressive rock, but are also very diverse. You’ll find that Toto can sound as bluesy as it does psychedelic. Despite the band’s eclectic lineup, Toto remains as recognizable today as it was back in the early 70s.

The phrase “in toto” was first used in Roman times. Many learned books were written in Latin before they migrated into English, which gave them a common name. Both in toto and in total have the same meaning of “in totality,” but in the context of a sentence, in toto is more appropriate. In addition, they carry the same connotation – that of considering the entirety of something. So, in the following paragraphs, we will discuss the use of in toto as a synonym for “total” and its use in English.

Toto toilets are known for their dual flush function. Their dual flush buttons can be pushed to flush at a low rate of 0.6 gallons or as high as 1.6 gallons. This helps conserve water and prevents the need to completely empty the tank. Moreover, users can also choose to flush at a higher rate for convenience and ease of maintenance. While Toto toilets are known for their high quality, you should keep in mind that their price tag is relatively high. If you can’t afford the high-end models, Toto has many cheaper options.

While the Washlet has become a popular product in Japanese restrooms, it wasn’t a hit overnight. TOTO initially targeted golf courses. But after TOTO executives installed them in their own homes, they demanded TOTO accommodations wherever they traveled. By the year 2000, they were common in public places. According to Shihohiko Takahashi, an urban designer and emeritus professor at Kanagawa University, the company used Washlets to entice shoppers.

TOTO has an array of styles, colors, and materials. Their wide range of accessories includes toilet paper holders, towel bars, and robe hooks. The company uses holistic design principles to develop their fixtures and products. In this way, it addresses not just the durability of the product, but also its aesthetic appeal. If you’re an Asian-American ex-pat living in the U.S., you may want to check out the Toto Washlet in the showroom.

Toto is an American rock band formed in 1977. Their lineup includes Steve Lukather, David Paich, and Joe Williams. In addition to these five members, Toto has featured guest musicians Nathan East and Steve Maggiora. They are also known for their unique musical style, which mixes rock, jazz, and progressive rock. A number of their songs have reached the Top 5 charts. Despite their diverse sound, Toto remains a popular choice for many fans.

Toto toilets are made in the United States. In addition to China, the company has a plant in Georgia that produces one-piece toilets at a lower cost than the best Toto factory in China. These costs are largely due to rising labor wages and strict environmental controls. Toto’s new manufacturing strategy involves building factories in more developed countries, such as the U.S., Mexico, and Latin America. In this way, it can offer more affordable toilets for its customers.