How to Overcome Gambling Disorders


Gambling is an activity where people wager something of value on a random event with the intent of winning something else of value. Typically, this involves money, but it can also involve other materials of value, such as collectible game pieces (e.g., marbles, pogs, Magic: The Gathering cards). People often gamble to win material goods or cash prizes, but they may also try to make a profit by gambling with virtual items such as credits on an online casino site or points on a video game.

Gambling can trigger a range of negative emotions, including anxiety, depression, stress and guilt. It can also lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and alcohol, which is why it’s important to get help if you are struggling with these issues. In addition, research suggests that compulsive gambling can lead to mood disorders and other psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

People with these conditions are at higher risk of developing a gambling problem than those who do not. In addition, studies of identical twins suggest that genetic factors contribute to the development of gambling disorder. A number of behavioral therapies can help treat gambling disorders. These therapies use peer support and focus on identifying negative thinking patterns and changing them. In addition, some studies have shown that physical activity can reduce urges to gamble.

For some people, the first step in overcoming a gambling addiction is to take control of their finances. They can do this by putting someone in charge of their credit card accounts, closing online betting sites and keeping only a small amount of cash on them. They can also consider joining a support group for families, such as Gamblers Anonymous, which uses peer support and a 12-step recovery program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous.

Other forms of treatment for gambling disorders include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and family therapy. Family therapy can help address issues that can lead to gambling problems, such as financial instability or relationships that have been damaged by gambling. It can also provide a safe space to talk about the impact of gambling on other areas of life, such as work and home.

Longitudinal studies are also used to understand the onset and development of pathological gambling behavior. These studies follow a group of participants over time, which allows researchers to see how their gambling behavior changes and compare them to other members of the study population. This type of research can help us learn more about the underlying causes of gambling disorder.

People with gambling problems often start to gamble for coping reasons, such as to forget their worries or to distract themselves from other painful feelings. They may also be in a financial crisis and trying to get out of debt. If you’re concerned about a loved one who is struggling with gambling, it’s important to seek professional advice as soon as possible. For confidential debt advice, call StepChange on 0800 138 1111. For information about the risks of gambling and advice for how to spot a problem, visit our Gambling page.